Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy Independance Day!!!!

Had a great 4th of July with my sister and her child. Went out to Antone Larsen to enjoy the view! London fell asleep on the way home.


Had fun at the Kodiak Aquarium. Love the feel tank. Some of the stuff feels creepy! London seemed enthralled!

Hiking with Han

Nanner butt and I went hiking at Abercrombie! It was a good day. Wind started to pick up so we got little London home.

Barometer the second go round

I have tackled Barometer one more time! Took Hannah and Ganion up with us this time. Coming down is basically sliding on your butt to avoid losing your balance!!!!!


It is so nice to see some family again! Had the pleasure of family coming to visit me here. Carleen and Ganion were here for three weeks. My sister Hannah and her daughter London are with me for two and a half weeks. Love the fact that I could spend some quality time with the fam.

Sheddding the winter blues!!!

After a long winter it is nice to get outside! Our boat is too small for the winter seas. As soon as there was a nice enough day we were outside soaking in the cold sun! It was nice to be on the water even if all we caught were some Nutty Buddies :)  Combing the beaches is a good way to stretch out your legs after a long winter of watching a lot of movies.

Trapping season

Just part of our catch for trapping season 2012. These were caught out at Pasagshak with Christian's friend James.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


So this bear print is on a trail right behind my house. This was taken a month ago. Just last week there was a huge Kodiak bear that Christian saw right on the corner of our street. It's paw print would be twice as big as the one shown. He got a picture on a throw away camera. Hopefully it comes out so I can show you guys. 

 Pictures of Christian and I on a hike behind the house. We had an awesome day! We ended up hiking for 5 hours!

 This is my back yard! How cool is that?


How awesome is it that something this beautiful is five minutes from my house?! I feel blessed to live in such a beautiful place. 

Awesome fish story!

I know I haven't posted in a very long time. Sorry :(

This is the best fish story! Some of Christian's friends were out on their boat fishing for rock fish commercially. So to do this you have jig machines with bait in the water. Basically a really fancy fishing pole with multiple hooks on each line. So they are bringing up the jigging lines and this Ling Cod is circling the boat. It is going to try and get the rock fish they were fishing for. So James decides to just take a gaff and get the sucker out of the water! This fish was not caught on hook or in net. It was literally scooped out of the ocean!